KMDA-UKKMDA-UK이란 이름의 저희 단체는 Korean Medical And Dental Association – UK의 줄임말로, 영국내 의대생, 치대생 그리고 졸업생들을 위주로 설립된 친목 단체입니다. 이 KMDA-UK은 2006년에 세워진 단체로써, 회원들간의 네트워킹을 통해서 앞으로의 진로 선택과 학업에 도움을 서로 주고 받자는 목표를 가지고 있으며, 창립 7년째인 현재 회원수는 150명정도입니다. 현재 저희 단체에 계셨던 졸업생분들께서 영국, 한국, 캐나다 외 여러 나라의 의사 면허증을 취득하신 상태로써, 저희에게 많은 조언들을 주시고 계십니다.

현재 저희 모임은 일년에 적어도 3번의 모임을 가짐으로써 회원들간의 친목을 다지고 있습니다. 그외의 의치대에 입학하고싶어하는 중고생들을 위한 진학설명회를 매년 열음으로써, 중고생들에게 많은 도움을 주고있으며 영국 현지 한인사회에서 조금씩 인지도를 높여가고 있습니다.


Korean Medical and Dental Association United Kingdom (KMDA-UK) is an organsiation of Korean medical and dental students and graduates in the UK. KMDA-UK was established in 2006, and the initial aim was to facilitate social networking between the members, which would aid study and their future careers. 2013 is our 8th year of establishment, and currently there are around 160 members in the society with the number growing each year. Our active graduate memberships are greatly supporting in helping the large undergraduate membership and offering assistance and advice. Currently we are a sub-organisation of the Korean Scientists and Engineers in the UK (KSEAUK), but we plan to flourish as an independent association soon as our organisation grows.

For the past five years KMDA-UK has successfully hosted Careers Days for potential medical/dental students and this event has allowed the organisation to gain attention and support from the Korean community and the plan is to build on its success. In addition KMDA-UK hosts at least three social dinners each year to support the networking of members from all across the UK. These events have allowed the group to consolidate a firm foundation from which we seek to grow.

As a new society much of our work has been to get in touch with current Korean medics and dentists who were unaware of our group as well as to recruit successful new entrants of UK medical and dental schools. Our future objectives are to expand our network to Korean medical and dental students in Europe as well as to link with the American and Korean medical associations respectively.